
Your organization elevates your profession with training, education, peer reviews, events, networking, benchmarking, advocacy, and ethical standards. Demonstrating personal relevance and delivering value is central to recruitment and retention of your membership.

That’s where we can help…

We understand professional associations and other membership driven organizations.  We understand how you operate, how leadership and governance dictate your budget and actions, and how to reach and motivate your members.

We support your mission by offering assistance where you need it most: helping you raise revenue by strengthening your brand image and value proposition, growing your membership, and increasing non-dues revenue from products, events and services. Through our successful multichannel direct response approach, we blend strategy, technology, and execution to successfully elevate engagement and response.

Here are just a few examples…


reduction in member attrition from retention program 

27 years

longest continuous vendor relationship

“Access Direct has helped us improve response while dramatically enhancing the look and feel of our communications – all at a remarkable value.”

— Tara-Jeanne Kosloski, Chicago History Museum